Owners Representation
Our owner representation provides total project services that preserve the owner’s vision through proper oversight, risk management, and more. Our goal is to work with the owner to answer all questions and provide clarity about the project. As an owner’s representative, we will work directly with the project owner to ensure their expectations are met and the design and construction team provides top quality service to ensure the project is on time and on budget.
When hiring Myers-Cherry as the owner’s representative, we will work across all stages of the project including conception, design, construction, completion, and close out. Throughout this process, we leverage our experience in all aspects of construction, working with general contractors, architects, construction companies, municipal authorities, financial institutions, and anyone else involved in the project.
Claremore Public Schools
Projects included remodels of elementary and junior high schools, athletic locker rooms and construction of a new STEM building at Claremore High School.